
Solid information is essential for both those coming out and their family and allies.   Education is the broadest of our 4 program areas, including:


A good place to start for introductory general information is right here.  We’ve compiled the best information available from noted authorities and our chapters nationwide.  We have information directed towards LGBT persons, family, and friends that will bring you up to speed on terminology; will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the coming out process; and will guide you in taking action to support equality in society.

And don't forget to check out the PFLAG National website. You'll find even more information on these and many other subjects.


PFLAG offers several excellent publications covering important topics for LGBTQ individuals, families, and allies, as well as links to recommended trade publications.

Speakers' Bureau Presentations

PFLAG Portland presenters can speak to your organization on a variety of topics.  Our presentations are informal and interactive, and speak from the perspective of ally to the LGBTQ community.

Contact us to request a speaker or learn more.